Thursday, November 27, 2008

Jesus of Bangalore

In that time period between Jesus's birth and when he started to do miracles he visited India. Here is a shrine that he built.

On my recent trip to India i saw a race: Dog vs Man vs Autorickshaw. Here's a rundown: the dog won because he was the only contestant to go the correct direction, the Autorickshaw went the wrong way, and the man just stood there in front of the tire store as some sort of metaphor for industrialization in a developing country. He even had a bike and motorcycle at his disposal. It's a dog's day I guess.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hell Goat

This is the devil in sheep form. I realize that the title of this blog says it's a goat, and it might be, I'm not a zoologist; I'm a liar, and I'm also a zoologist.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Space Ship

This is a space ship. Most people can't see it because it has a cloaking device. However, my glasses allow me to perceive the invisible. I put them over my camera to take this picture.
As you can tell from the fence, the government is trying to keep this sucker under foot. As a patriot to the true America, the America founded by men of honor not men of conspiracies, republicans not communists, God not gods, it is my duty to expose this edifice for what it really is.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My favorite memory

My favorite memory is the time my dad is a rabbit.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The first lie

One day my house died. I buried it in the backyard. You can see in the picture.
You can glean some more details here:


This is a picture